In 2020, the Turangi Foodbank was the grateful recipient of venison mince made available by the culling of Wapiti/Red deer in Fiordland. It made a huge difference, which is why the Foodbank reached out to the Sika Foundation in April 2021 to see if we could help again.
As a result, an ongoing initiative was launched to provide free-range venison mince to families in Turangi and Taupo that are struggling to make ends meet. The aim is to provide up to 100kg of meat per week, which will cut the local Foodbank’s weekly food budget in half.
Foodbanks are not government funded and rely on grants and donations to operate. They are experiencing high demand for emergency food parcels and Covid -19 is still having a huge impact on our communities. By feeding families we contribute to the wellbeing of the community, take pressure off families under stress financially and mentally, helping to reduce family harm, depression, and many other issues.
We have been in touch with the Ministry for Primary Industries to check on the regulations for donating recreational catch and have received guidance for such meat donations. The packages are labelled according to MPI’s instructions. The packaging for the mince parcels has been generously supplied at no cost by Stephan Pederson from Caspak, and Jaki Carson at Copy Solutions in Taupo has provided labels. The donated venison has been processed by Farm & Game Meats Ltd in Taupo.
Business sponsorship from Ashhurst Engineering & Construction and Genesis Energy (Tongariro Power Scheme) has funded much of the (subsidised) processing costs. Lahar Wilderness Sika, Poronui Hunting, Maunga Tia Adventures and Robbie from Blood Origins have also made significant contributions.
By May, 2023, more than 4.5 tonnes of clean, organic protein has been delivered to families in need, highlighting the huge value our game animals have to NZ communities. The Sika Foundation would like to thank all our sponsors, supporters and members for making this amazing outcome possible.
Sika Foundation Mince for Foodbanks – Risk Management Process
Mince cannot be dropped off directly to foodbanks or to Farm & Game Meat Processors Taupo Ltd. Members/Hunters wishing to donate must contact the Sika Foundation directly via email: info@sikafoundation.co.nz
If you would like to donate, please keep the following in mind:
1. Only meat that you would put on your own family’s dinner table is acceptable
2. Meat needs to be cooled or chilled as quickly as possible after harvest
3. Meat should be delivered chilled or frozen – boned out is preferred
4. No damaged (bullet wounds) or contaminated meat (deer hair, dirt, fly-blown, microbial activity) will be accepted
After hours arrangements have been made with a person who operates a private chiller in Taupo, on an as required basis for out-of-town hunters.
An estimated time of delivery is arranged with the member/hunter (or local chiller owner for meat dropped off after hours by out of town hunters) and Farm & Game Meat Processors Ltd notified by Sika Foundation
Farm & Game Meat Processors Taupo Ltd have absolute discretion to reject any meat that, in their opinion, is not fit for purpose. They occasionally contact us to say they have binned meat – reasons include: bullet fragments/lead; dirt/deer hair; or meat that has not been cooled soon enough after harvest.
The Sika Foundation provides vacuum pack bags + a label for each 1 kg meat package. Every package is individually labelled to ensure every consumer understands the product source and the rules around no trading or selling
Farm & Game Meat Processors Taupo Ltd charge the Sika Foundation to mince, bag & label meat. Sometimes when a whole deer is available (eg., large red stag) the Sika Foundation will pay Farm & Game Meat Processors Taupo Ltd for the skinning and boning as well as the per kg processing charge. These costs are generously sponsored by local businesses.
Once processed, the packaged mince is frozen at Farm & Game Meat Processors Taupo Ltd and Taupo foodbank or Turangi Food Bank notified to arrange direct pick-up (Taupo) or delivery (Turangi). Deliveries are in lots of between 10kg to 140kg of single-sourced meat.
Sika Foundation members who live and work in Turangi deliver the meat to Turangi personally.
Foodbanks have freezer space that can hold ~200kg. This meat is distributed under their own Foodbank criteria/policy, to needy families and individuals.
The meat distribution is solely on a ‘donation to community’ basis and is covered within the above rigorous risk management process, from harvesting to processing to distribution and therefore, will not impact on the NZ Export market or domestic retail market.
If you need more information, please contact us via email – info@sikafoundation.co.nz.
Let’s help those who are most in need and to maximise the value of our incredible game animal resource.